Let’s Talk

Andrea’s Books

Andrea is an extensively published author of dozens of articles and several books including The Reputation Risk Handbook, Emerging Practices in Cyber-Risk Governance and The Artificial Intelligence Imperative. Her most recent books are Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience and Value (Routledge 2020) and the annual edition of The ESGT Megatrends Manual, the latest edition of which is 2022-2023 (Diplomatic Courier).

Gloom to Boom

Leaders – whether in business, government or the non-profit sector – take risks but often without fully understanding risk at a strategic level.

In this book, global governance, risk and ethics strategist and author, Andrea Bonime-Blanc, shows practitioners at all levels how to effectively identify and manage their top ESGT risks to avoid crises and transform risk into sustainable long-term resilience and value.

“An impressive Tour de Force, a timely and useful guide to our turbulent times.”

Ian Bremmer
President, The Eurasia Group

ESGT Megatrends 2023-2024

The ESGT Megatrends Manual 2023-2024 Edition

Read and access the entire manual for free, courtesy of GEC Risk Advisory.

ESGT Megatrends 2022-2023

The ESGT Megatrends Manual 2022-2023 Edition

Read and download the entire manual for free, courtesy of GEC Risk Advisory.

ESGT Megatrends 2021-2022

The ESGT Megatrends Manual 2021-2022 Edition

Read and download the entire manual for free, courtesy of GEC Risk Advisory.

Risk to Value Guide:

How Emerging Market Businesses Can Transform New Risks into Value

Read and download the entire guide for free, courtesy of GEC Risk Advisory.

The Artificial Intelligence Imperative

A Practical Roadmap For Business

The disruptive impact of AI on the global economy – from healthcare to energy, financial services to agriculture, and defense to media – is enormous.

The Reputation Risk Handbook

Surviving & Thriving in the Age of Hyper-Transparency

This book will show you how to build a sustainable reputation risk management framework and how to handle your next reputation risk crisis.

Manual De Riesgo Reputacional

Sobrevivir y prosperar en la era de la hipertransparencia.

En la era de la hipertransparencia en la que vivimos, donde la información circula constantemente y es capaz de provocar una crisis en cuestión de segundos, la gestión efectiva del riesgo reputacional se ha convertido en un imperativo estratégico.

The Reputation Risk Handbook (Chinese Edition)

Surviving and Thriving in the Age of Hyper-Transparency.

Published in Chinese by Beijing based China Financial Publishing House August 2016.

Ethics and Compliance Handbook

A Practical Guide From Leading Organizations

A Practical Guide From Leading Organizations

Spain’s Transition to Democracy

The Politics of Constitution-making.

This widely referenced book remains relevant to this day to an understanding of how nations can have peaceful and successful transitions to democracy.


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