Let's Talk
Why Focus on the Risk 2 Value Equation? In the new GEC Risk 2 Value Blog, we will explore all things governance, risk, integrity, reputation and crisis management. Why? Because in the hyper-transparent and super-connected age in which we live, all of these disciplines are or should be interconnected whether we care to recognize it or not. Global actors who do not see or refuse to act on these interconnections proceed at their peril for risk and at their risk for value creation. Organizations that do not connect the dots through strategy, risk getting hurt or not fully realizing the inherent value that dot connection can bring. Value is the other side of the coin of risk — governance, risk management, integrity, reputation and crisis management all play key roles in the building of sustainable and profitable organizational resilience. The GEC Risk 2 Value Blog is geared at executives, boards, practitioners and investors who care about creating a resilient sustainable organization in the face of the most complex, diverse and rapid-fire environment humans have ever faced. To start things off, I’d like to ask readers what you think of the following idea: is there a business case to be made for reputation risk management? I will leave you with an excerpt of a chart from my recent book, The Reputation Risk Handbook: Surviving and Thriving in the Age of Hyper-Transparency (http://bit.ly/1mIWCrN) and would love to hear your thoughts back: table3 In future blog posts, we will cover important stories in the news, trends, opinions and resources we think are valuable to our readers and followers, always focused on taming risk, promoting resilience and unleashing value. If you have something new and exciting to report or discuss, we welcome your contributions to the GEC Risk 2 Value Blog.


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